The Annual Meeting of the members of the congregation of Trinity Evangelical Presbyterian Church will take place on Sunday, June 9th. We'll have one combined service at 10:30am that morning in the FLC. During service we'll have the special opportunity to install Pastor David Tori into the Associate Pastor position and celebrate with him at a brief reception after service from 11:30-12pm. The annual meeting will begin at Noon. This is our opportunity to review and celebrate all that God did in and through our church this year. Members will be asked to affirm the nominees presented by the Nominating Committee for Elder, Deacon, and next year’s Nominating Committee. Members will also reaffirm the annual budget.
Read our Annual Report and our Annual Meeting Minutes to read about key information shared at our annual meeting on June 9th, including missions partners gifts, & campaign building updates.
Pastor David Tori is installed as Associate Pastor of Trinity Church, June 9, 2024
Our All Generations for One Kingdom Campaign Team shared updates regarding some exciting building renovations in our Sanctuary and Family Life Worship Center that are to begin this summer and into next year. You can find these renderings in our worship spaces on Sundays for viewing as well. Our Elders will be communicating more details in the coming weeks.

Sanctuary Renovation Renderings

FLWC Renovation Renderings

Remembering those who passed this year, with love.