The Bible calls all professing Christians and their children to be baptized (Acts 2:38-39). Whether you've been following Jesus for a long time and never got baptized or are a new Christian, make the decision today!

Adult & Infant baptisms are part of the worship experience at Trinity Church and are administered at our regular Sunday worship services 3 times per year, in the Fall, Spring and Summer.
In infant baptism, children are entering into the covenant of grace and visible church. The church body comes alongside the parents to encourage and support the family in the raising of their child in the Christian faith. For this reason, we ask for those seeking baptism or dedication for their child be active members in the life of the church. Parents who prefer to have their children wait for baptism until after their child’s personal profession of faith in Christ may present their infants for dedications.
In either case, anyone interested in being baptized or in having their child(ren) baptized or dedicated must attend the Baptism Class. At the class you will learn about the importance of baptism and dedication, have the opportunity to ask questions, speak with a Pastor, meet other families and discover your next steps. To register for the class select an upcoming date from the calendar below and click the registration link.
In infant baptism, children are entering into the covenant of grace and visible church. The church body comes alongside the parents to encourage and support the family in the raising of their child in the Christian faith. For this reason, we ask for those seeking baptism or dedication for their child be active members in the life of the church. Parents who prefer to have their children wait for baptism until after their child’s personal profession of faith in Christ may present their infants for dedications.
In either case, anyone interested in being baptized or in having their child(ren) baptized or dedicated must attend the Baptism Class. At the class you will learn about the importance of baptism and dedication, have the opportunity to ask questions, speak with a Pastor, meet other families and discover your next steps. To register for the class select an upcoming date from the calendar below and click the registration link.
Select a Baptism Date and Sign Up
BAPTISM: If you or your child is ready to be baptized, select a date from the calendar below and sign up.
TESTIMONIES WELCOME! If you've already been baptized but want to share your faith or testimony with the church, we'd love to have you sign up too! Select a Baptism Sunday date to sign up - select " Testimony Only" from the options presented.
TESTIMONIES WELCOME! If you've already been baptized but want to share your faith or testimony with the church, we'd love to have you sign up too! Select a Baptism Sunday date to sign up - select " Testimony Only" from the options presented.
Upcoming Baptisms & Classes
DEDICATION: If you are a parent looking to have your child dedicated to the Lord in prayer with our church family, please click the button below and indicate a date that works for you.
If you have questions, please email David Tori