You're Retired - Now What?
A stage of life that ought to be Prime Time!
Prime Time to:
- Influence children, grandchildren, the next generation.
- Develop deeper friendships.
- Strengthen & encourage peers in their walk with Christ.
- Develop new hobbies, & passions.
- Invest in your walk with God.
- Share perspective about life.
- Volunteer and serve in the church body.
- Prime Time to enjoy God!
Influence children, grandchildren, the next generation.
Develop deeper friendships.
Strengthen & encourage peers in their walk with Christ.
Develop new hobbies, & passions.
Invest in your walk with God.
Share perspective about life.
Volunteer and serve in the church body.
Prime Time to enjoy God!
Develop deeper friendships.
Strengthen & encourage peers in their walk with Christ.
Develop new hobbies, & passions.
Invest in your walk with God.
Share perspective about life.
Volunteer and serve in the church body.
Prime Time to enjoy God!

You're Invited
Join us monthly for our Prime Time Events! We meet on the third Thursdays of the month in Room B14 and for some various outings! See our events calendar below for details.
Ukulele Hangout
Come learn to play the Ukulele with us! We enjoy laughing together and we get to take our music on the road by blessing residential care facilities from time to time! It's all good fun.
We meet the First Thursday of every month at 2:30pm in the FLC Classroom.
Contact Albert