Lent Begins March 5th
Lent is a season where we intentionally set aside time to remember Jesus and the grace that is found through faith in him alone. Lent is not about our faithfulness, but rather about the faithfulness of Jesus on our behalf. Looking to dive deeper into the season of Lent? Check out these awesome resources for you and your kids!
Sharing the Gospel
We live in a broken world. And the gospel is how God puts broken people back together again. Once we repent and believe in Jesus, God’s Spirit helps us recover and pursue His design. God is the one who created the world and every human being in it.

Short daily readings accompanied by a short daily podcast hosted by Tara-Leigh Cobble. Reading through the Bible chronologically, she’ll highlight & summarize that day’s Bible reading in a casual, easy to understand way. The Bible Recap will not only help you read scripture but help you love reading it!

Helping people experience the Bible as a unified story that leads to Jesus. You’ll read two or three chapters a day. Each day’s reading includes a Psalm upon which you can meditate and pray. We'll direct you to a short animated videos that outline the book’s design and overall message to put your reading in context.
Alpha is a 10 week biblically based course and a safe place to explore all your questions about Christianity, while enjoying a meal, video and small group discussions. This course will also deepen your faith, whether you’re a new believer or have been a believer for 50 plus years. Come and explore life and faith questions that help you grow in your relationship with Jesus and others. Inquire about our next Alpha Course at the link!

Help for Anxiety
Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. - 1 Peter 5:7
Suicide Hotline - Dial 988
Help for Anxiety
Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. - 1 Peter 5:7

Suicide Hotline - Dial 988
Through Grief
A set of four short books to send to people at four crucial times during the first year after the loss of a loved one. Author Kenneth C. Haugk writes in a warm, caring style, with short, easy-to-read chapters. He walks alongside the reader through the grief journey, sharing helpful insights about grief, biblical truths, and stories that provide comfort and reassurance. www.stephenministries.org

At GriefShare you’ll receive valuable guidance and tips, leading you to relief, comfort, and peace of mind. A GriefShare support group is a safe, welcoming place where people understand the difficult emotions of grief. Through this 13-week group, you’ll discover what to expect in the days ahead and what’s “normal” in grief. Since there are no neat, orderly stages of grief, you’ll learn helpful ways of coping with grief, in all its unpredictability—and gain solid support each step of the way.
Divorce Care
DivorceCare is a safe place where caring people come alongside you as you find healing from the pain of separation or divorce. At this 13-week, video-based support group program, you’ll find helpful counsel to manage the emotional turmoil and practical tools for decision-making.

Support Women
& Families
Refugee Support
& Persecution
Refugee Support
& Persecution

& INjustice
To help us on this journey, we want to provide you with some material that will help you “listen, learn & lament." Our prayer is that these tools would help you hear and see what the black community has experienced as you engage with the Lord in your walk and begin to experience the beautiful Imago Dei (image of God) in all of us!
Use this Block Map to write down your neighbors names & something about them. Get to know them & form relationships for God's glory.
Use this list to help you intentionally pray for those who you want to see at the banquet table with Jesus.
Worship from home! Check back each week to prepare for Sunday morning or listen to your new favorites during the week.
Worship from home! Check back each week to prepare for Sunday morning or listen to your new favorites during the week.