Better Together | A series discussing the importance of the church community in lonely, isolating times. We'll look at the importance of relationships, difficulty of relationships, how to build relationships, and the joy of long-term relationships. An essential part of following in the way of Jesus, is doing it TOGETHER. It's always just. . .better! 
The Paradox of God | A series where we discuss elements of God's character that are misunderstood, under discussed, or seem in tension with one another and what it means for us as His people. 
Living Wisely in a World of Technology | Technological innovation and change continue to occur at an ever-increasing pace. We love new tech (would you voluntarily go back to horse and buggy?) but the implications and impact of current and almost-now technologies are staggering. In this unique 4-week series we want to explore how the Bible views technology and apply this understanding to give us wisdom as we navigate "old" technologies like smartphones and newer ones like artificial intelligence and virtual reality.