If you are experiencing high levels of anxiety during these uncertain times, that is normal. Your body sends you information to alert you whenever it senses a threat. Know that you are processing your anxiety in healthy ways when you’re able to stay relaxed and make rational decisions without feeling overwhelmed or withdrawing. Anxiety can push us to take care of ourselves, but too much anxiety can become problematic. Below are some resources to help you manage your anxiety and stress levels. We’ve also included some information about how to determine when it might be time to ask a counselor or pastor for help. 


Create a Routine

Wake up and go to bed at the same time every day. If you’re working from home, establish a start time and an end time. This can help create a sense of normalcy and predictability. 

Stay Connected to Others

Stay connected to friends, family, and your church family by calling, texting, emailing, and videoing with one another. Get into a small group and worship on Sundays. Connect with people who will be present, compassionate, and good listeners.

Take Care of Your Body

Do things that help you feel better and relieve stress. Eat healthy foods, get plenty of rest, practice stretching and breathing exercises, and move your body daily (e.g., yoga, walking, dancing). 

Access Reliable Media Resources in Small Doses

Stay informed, but limit the amount of time you check the news to once or twice a day to prevent yourself from getting overwhelmed.

Limit Addictive Behaviors

Distracting yourself and finding ways to seek relief from what’s going on around you is normal. However, pay attention to how much time you’re spending on television and social media. Limit your caffeine and alcohol intake. 


If you are experiencing high levels of anxiety during these uncertain times, that is normal. Your body sends you information to alert you whenever it senses a threat. Know that you are processing your anxiety in healthy ways when you’re able to stay relaxed and make rational decisions without feeling overwhelmed or withdrawing. Anxiety can push us to take care of ourselves, but too much anxiety can become problematic. Below are some resources to help you manage your anxiety and stress levels. We’ve also included some information about how to determine when it might be time to ask a counselor or pastor for help. 


Create a Routine

Wake up and go to bed at the same time every day. If you’re working from home, establish a start time and an end time. This can help create a sense of normalcy and predictability. 

Stay Connected to Others

Stay connected to friends, family, and your church family by calling, texting, emailing, and videoing with one another. Get into a small group and worship on Sundays. Connect with people who will be present, compassionate, and good listeners.

Take Care of Your Body

Do things that help you feel better and relieve stress. Eat healthy foods, get plenty of rest, practice stretching and breathing exercises, and move your body daily (e.g., yoga, walking, dancing). 

Access Reliable Media Resources in Small Doses

Stay informed, but limit the amount of time you check the news to once or twice a day to prevent yourself from getting overwhelmed.

Limit Addictive Behaviors

Distracting yourself and finding ways to seek relief from what’s going on around you is normal. However, pay attention to how much time you’re spending on television and social media. Limit your caffeine and alcohol intake. 


Often we are able to navigate life’s challenges by ourselves or with help from family and friends. However, there are times when we need to get help from a doctor or counselor. Here are a few indicators that it might be time to seek professional help:
  • Struggle is preventing you from functioning in a healthy way or is significantly impacting your quality of life.
  • It’s difficult to resolve an issue through your own ways of coping.
  • Your current coping mechanisms (e.g., overuse of alcohol or drugs) are potentially destructive.
  • You are overwhelmed to the point where negative emotions are dominating the way you feel.
  • You are feeling hopeless and/or losing interest in things that used to bring you joy.
  • Negative thoughts are preventing you from thinking clearly and making healthy decisions.
  • You’re experiencing heightened social conflict or a desire for increased social withdrawal that is difficult to control.

Note that thoughts of self-harm or the desire to harm others require immediate attention, including telling family and friends that care about you and contacting a suicide prevention center and/or other resources listed below. If you feel like you are in immediate danger or are a danger to others, go to a behavioral health hospital for a free assessment or seek medical attention by dialing 911.