April 23 - May 28, 2025
6:30pm - 8:00pm
Registrations Close April 16th
- 6 Weeks -

Leader: Ron Geer
Capacity: Open
This class is designed to help Christians at every stage in their walk with Christ to learn, grow, and develop confidence in reading the Bible. All who desire to develop these skills are invited—no advanced degrees or special Bible knowledge are necessary! We want to foster the development of a Spirit-led reading culture within Trinity Church, reading Scripture well together for transformation and growth in Christ. Our goal is formative reading that grows our knowledge and love of God, rooted in the truth that “The scope of all Scripture is Christ.” This class will include discussions of the inseparable unity of the Old and New Testaments and how they work together, an examination of the assumptions we each hold when we read, and guidelines for sound interpretation. We will spend as much time as possible working together through numerous examples from biblical narratives, poetry, gospels, epistles, and more. Participants will be asked to watch several teaching videos outside of class. By the end of the class, we aim to equip all participants to read the Bible together with increasing levels of accuracy, understanding, joy, and thanksgiving—enjoying a closer walk with the Lord Jesus.

Leader: Jennifer Rich
Capacity: 40 Spots
Have you ever sensed the call to serve as a leader in our church community, but also felt thoroughly intimidated by that thought? Scripture is filled with the chronicles of many successful-and equally many not-so-successful-leaders among God's people. This hands-on class is for anyone interested in leadership in the church, whether a formal or informal role. We will focus on many aspects of leadership, including: its biblical and theological basis; practical skills such as active listening, boundary-setting and resilience; and even how to develop and mentor other leaders. We'll also contrast leadership in the Body of Christ with its secular counterpart. Whether you are just testing the waters of leadership or a seasoned leader of many years, this course will equally encourage and challenge you!

Leader: Will Pierson
Capacity: Open
This class will focus on the essentials of our faith as well as explore deeper topics. We will discuss each point of the essentials and then launch into related areas using the Westminster Confession of Faith as our guide. We will also have time for discussion so that we hear different perspectives. This class can benefit anyone interested in learning more about Christian theology, from the new believer to those interested in advanced topics. Come, let us reason together!

Leader: Kathleen Pierson
Capacity: 24 Spots
The Seven Principles of Marriage class is based on the Gottman Workshop that helps couples deepen their marriage relationship. Biblical principles will be applied to Gottman’s research to help develop an even deeper understanding of marriage and God’s design for it. While couples will work through activities to strengthen their communication skills, manage conflict, and enhance their relationships, they will also enjoy weekly relationship enhancement challenges outside of class sessions.
* This class is intended for all couples, but couples with severe relational distress would be encouraged to seek marriage counseling.
Cost is $50 for materials (per couple)